
November 17, 2012

Fire on the Island

From Sicily Island:  A Partial History, compiled by Mickie Smith:

It was in either the year 1914 or 1915, that the word that struck dread in every person's heart was heard during the night.  Fire!  

The stores on one side of the street were on fire, and it razed four buildings; the Knight store, the Saltzman store, Dr. Gordon's medical office and Dr. Disch's dental office. 

Dr. Gordon saved his diploma and medicine case and Dr. Disch saved his diploma and instrument case, while the others lost all.  The doctors saved the most treasured, if not the most valuable items in their offices.

On the opposite side of the street, Mr. John Knight had a store with living quarters in the back.  This building was located where the Amoco station is now (late 1970s-editor's note), and a fire started in the Knight building and spread, burning the Harris-Owen store, the Thomas J. Chisum store and a little shack that had been used by several different people as sort of a meat market.

Mr. Knight rebuilt his store, as did Mr. Richard Yancey, each on the property where the first stores stood.  Dr. Gordon built an office where the meat market stood, and Mr. Saltzman rebuilt his store on the same property as the original.  This building is still in use today by Mr. Friley Guice. (late 1970s-editor's note)

Gordon Drug Store - Dr. Gordon's office was located at the back entrance
Knight Store/Home

Saltzman Store
Yancey Brothers Store

In 1918, the Sicily Island State Bank was built where the Harris-Owens store had stood.

Sicily Island State Bank - 2010
On the property by Mr. Saltzman's store, Mrs. Laura Harris built a building for a post office and a larger building for a store.  The post office building was later sold and moved by Allye Steele Edmonds and the store building torn down.  This property was purchased to construct the present public library.

Catahoula Parish Library - Sicily Island Branch - 2010

More information on the fire on the Island can be found here.


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