
Old SI Videos

To view the old Sicily Island home movies captured by my grandfather, please click on the following link to be taken to the RootsFromTheBayou YouTube page.


  1. What a hoot. I so enjoyed seeing these old movies. It brings back so many happy memories of our family spending our vacations in Sicily Island. I remember when Daddy was stationed in Hawaii, we took a vacation home to Sicily Island. Good times!!
    Love all you're doing Deb.

  2. We Islanders had such pride in our little town.Thanks Deb for sharing! Dawn

  3. thanks for sharing Deb. both good times and sad memories washed over me as i watched your movies. i remember some of the faces, but few of the names. i've walked many miles since i walked those streets but it seems those are the most familiar still.

    1. I know what you mean, David. Glad you found my blog. Don't be a stranger!

  4. So glad I found your blog Deborah! It is awesome and I just love the old movies! In two of them I saw my sweet Papaw Cameron Coney. He passed away when I was in 2nd grade. So good to see his smile! Thank you for sharing all of this. I can't wait to show it all to Mom and Dad!
    Kendell Coney Horton

    1. Hey Kendell! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. The old movies were made by my grandfather over the years. The quality isn't great but they are true treasures. Please tell your parents hello for me!

  5. Thanks so much for posting those Jay Peace and got to see my Pap again.....So glad i found this blog....Jay

    1. Hi Jay, Thanks for taking the time to comment. Glad you enjoyed the videos and got to see clips of your grandfather. I haven't seen you or Michelle since you were small kids visiting across the street with Heather and Missy :-)

  6. Kendell Horton is my 3rd cousin. Dr.Billy Coney is my second cousin. In the summer and Christmas holidays our family would go to Sicily Island. Mildred and "Buck Smith were my grandparents. Loved to go to Norris Springs and the hills and the rocks on Lake Louie.. Gene E. Baudoin

    1. Hi Gene,
      I appreciate you stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Are you one of Kay's or Gerrie's children? I grew up in the big white house that was just behind the bank on the school house road; not far from Mr. Sonny's house and the Coney's house. Your great grandfather Frank Smith was a brother to my great-great grandmother Virginia Smith. Always nice to connect with more cousins :-)
