
August 13, 2015

Harrisonburg Male and Female Academy, 1857

The Independent - 9/16/1857

The above advertisement appeared in the September 16, 1857 edition of Harrisonburg's newspaper, The Independent.

From an article published in the same paper on October 14, 1857:


The Independent - 10/14/1857
Harrisonburg Academy -- This institution was re-opened on Monday last.  The Academic course will be the same as heretofore.  In addition to the common English branches, Mathematics and Latin and Greek Languages are taught.  

In the female department, the principal has secured the services of a young lady from Baltimore, a native of the South, eminently qualified as a teacher of music.  

Having evinced a most laudable energy and incurred a heavy expense in his efforts to afford the citizens of our section of country facilities for instruction, that are certainly equal to any presented in any of the schools of the State, we certainly think the principal of this academy may reasonably claim a liberal patronage from the country around.  Boarding in private families may be obtained at reasonable rates.

As mentioned in the above article, private families did offer boarding for students who did not live near the school.  Below is an advertisement which was placed in the September 16 edition of the same newspaper.

The Independent - 9/16/1857

I have been unable to find additional information on this school.  Does anyone know where the academy was located?   When did it originally open and when did it close?  Do any of you have ancestors who attended or possibly taught at this school?

If you can provide more information, please do so in the comment section below or email me at

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