
March 4, 2015

Catahoula Parish Pelican State Representatives Chosen, 1948

The following article appeared in the May 23, 1948 edition of the Monroe Morning World:


Catahoula Parish Legion Posts Make Selection For Annual Session
Jonesville, La., May 22 (Special)

Three of Catahoula parish's four American Legion posts have selected representatives for the ninth annual session of Pelican Boys' State to be held August 9-17 on the Louisiana State University campus.

Also selected is the representative of the only Legion auxiliary post to Pelican Girls' State which will be held August 18-27 at the university.

Boyd-Mann Post 163 of Jonesville will send Densil Humble, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoover Humble, to Boys' State, with Robert Freeman, as alternate. Both are juniors at Block High School, played on Block's football team the past season and are members of the 1948 American Legion junior baseball squad.

Trichel-Lee Post 223 of Harrisonburg has announced Clarence F. Routon, Jr., as its representative, with David M. Hailey as alternate.

Larry Barron of Foules will be the representative of Sicily Island Post 257. He is a junior in high school and participates in basketball and softball at Sicily Island High School.

Named to represent the Boyd-Mann auxiliary, the only Legion auxiliary in the parish, was Iris McClure, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McClure, Velda Fairbanks will be the alternate.  Both are juniors at Block High School.

Delegates were chosen for leadership, character, cooperativeness and scholarship.

Courtesy of Karen Barron Egloff

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