
February 14, 2014

Civil War ~ Louisiana Volunteers, 1863

From an article published in the Memphis Daily Appeal on February 18, 1863:


Louisiana Volunteers

The late law of Louisiana calls into the field all able-bodied men from the ages of seventeen to fifty.  In the opening of the war that State gave many, very many regiments and battalions to the Confederacy.  The people came forward with cheerfulness, and they made their mark on almost every battle-field.  It is now proposed to bring forward every one who is able to do duty.  After a time named by Governor Moore for volunteering, if the people do not come forward en masse, a draft will be ordered.  Those who volunteered are entitled to all privileges heretofore granted, fifty dollars bounty, sixteen dollars per month, and eighty acres of land at the end of the war.

A company is now forming at Harrisonburg, by the former treasurer of Catahoula parish, G. Spencer Mayo, Esq., who is a gentleman in every acceptation of the term.  He will make a good commander, and will not be long in raising a company.  Our friend Mayo will make a good colonel, and we feel a pride in nominating him for such a position at the first opening.  Will our Louisiana people look to it? --Natchez Courier.

Note:  G. Spencer Mayo was the son of George Mayo and Emeline Spencer of Catahoula Parish.  He married Emma G. Tew Farrah and was the father of Virginia, C.T., Sara, and Edith.

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