
August 11, 2013

Free State of Louisiana

From an article appearing in The Daily Intelligencer of Wheeling, VA (WV) on June 7, 1864:

Courtesy of Chronicling America

Mr. Cazabat, of Rapides, rose and said:  Mr. President, we have witnessed in this very hall, and upon this very floor, the dying struggles and the agonizing convulsions of slavery; but, thank God! the sacred cause of eternal truth and justice and human freedom has prevailed.  Louisiana stands now forever free and redeemed by the voice of her people--by the voice of her noble and worthy sons, such as young Wells of Rapides, Taliaferro of Catahoula and Edwards of Avoyelles.  Immortal trio!  Heaven bless them!  Mr. President, my views in regard to the provisos and amendments offered by the opposition have been duly and fully expressed by my friend, Mr. Fosdick of New Orleans.  I stand, Mr. President and members of this convention, upon the platform of immediate and unconditional abolition of slavery.  And now, in performance of my duty to my God, to my country and to my fellow man, I cast and record my vote--"yes!"
After the vote was announced three cheers were given for "the free State of Louisiana," and salvos of artillery and the general display of flags throughout the city demonstrated the satisfaction of the Union men.  Welcome to the free State of Louisiana!

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