
January 13, 2015

Sicily Island's Answer to Germany's Peace Offensive, 1918

The following article appeared in the October 17, 1918 edition of the Quitman-Wood County Democrat in Quitman, Texas:

The Krause quoted in the article was undoubtedly one of the sons of Gotleib and Caroline Rotham Krause.

The Liberty Loan mentioned in the article was actually Liberty Bonds that were first used during WWI to support the cause of the Allies.  Private citizens purchased bonds to show their patriotism by supporting the military effort.  Once the war ended, these bonds were redeemed for their purchase price plus interest.  

On November 11, 1918 (less than a month after this article appeared in print) Germany surrendered to the Allied Forces.  

Approximately $17 billion was raised through Liberty Bonds to fund the war effort of the Allies.

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