
June 25, 2014

Wedding Wednesday - Abrahm and Holloman

The following announcement appeared in the April 21, 1922 edition of the Tensas Gazette:


Mrs. Helen Abrahm announces the marriage of her daughter, Pauline, to Mr. Howell J. Holloman, of Harrisonburg, Louisiana, on April 4, 1922.
The above notice came as a most pleasant surprise to the many friends of the bride in this her native parish.  She is the youngest daughter of the late Mr. Chas. Abrahm and Mrs. Helen Jacoby Abrahm, who now live in New Orleans.  Miss Pauline served as a member of the faculty of the Harrisonburg High School 1920-21 session where she met Mr. Holloman, their friendship ripening into love and love culminating in happy marriage.  Mrs. Pauline is now teaching a Kaplin, La., but will make her home in Harrisonburg after close of school.  She is a most lovable and accomplished young lady and her friends will rejoice in her happiness.
The groom comes from one of the oldest and most noted families in North Louisiana, and the name Holloman has ever been prominent in the social and political life of Catahoula parish and has given to that parish some of its best brain and brawn---a parish noted for its wealth and intellect.
The Gazette joins the many friends of the happy bride in this parish where she was born and reared, in wishing her and hers all the happiness in life.

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