
December 8, 2013

Sentimental Sunday ~ The Old Wooden Church

This old wooden church belonged to my paternal grandmother, Mary Allye Steele Edmonds.

I'm not sure when the church was made or who actually built it.  I know that my grandmother had it in the late 1940s or early 1950s because her niece, Betty Florence Peck, remembered seeing it when she was a little girl.  Betty was born in 1944 so this family treasure is at least 60 years old.

When my grandmother passed away in 1969, the old wooden church found it's place in our home where it was kept in storage until Christmas time.

Another close up view of the front of the church shows the plywood peeling and separating around the base and the roof.  The first layer of plywood has already peeled off of one section of the front entry.

The old wooden church has a tiny bell hanging in the steeple and a wind-up music box attached to the back that plays Silent Night.  At one time, an electrical cord ran through the back and attached to a small christmas bulb to provide light inside the little church.

The two photographs below show a side view of the old wooden church with the windows trimmed in red.

The old wooden church was orginally covered with vintage twinkle mica snowflakes.  As the mica snowflakes aged, they turned a yellowish color and were scraped off.

Following the passing of my mother in January of 2012, the old wooden church found its new home with one of my brothers and his family.   They chose to keep the church on display in their home year round.

The Old Wooden Church has special meaning to my family.  It warms my heart knowing that one day my brother and my sister-in-law will pass it down to their grandchildren.

Special thanks to my sister-in-law, Sherry, for providing the photographs!

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