
June 5, 2013

Thriller Thursday ~ Panther Attacks, Child Escapes

From an article in the November 9, 1889 edition of the Richland Beacon:

Courtesy of Chronicling America


Mr. D. F. Stacy, one of the railroad engineers, tells the Natchez Democrat of a "very thrilling occurrence in the Sicily Island neighborhood, on the Tensas river, a day or two ago.  It appears that a little daughter of Mr. Isham Chisholm, with two elder sisters, was in a cotton field on their father's place when a panther dashed out of the woods nearby and assailed the little child.  The little one screamed, thus attracting the attention of the elder sisters, and their cries frightened the animal off.  It is probable that the panther did not see the elder girls when it attacked the child, and but for them in all probability the fierce beast would have killed her and carried her body to the woods to be devoured at its leisure.  As it was, while the child escaped any serious injury most of its clothing was torn off, and its escape was remarkable." --Vidalia Sentinel

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